Policies & Procedures

Terms & Agreements

Badlands Baseball Travel Baseball Seasons are a 9-month commitment and operate from May thru January.

A one-time $30 registration fee will be collected upon completion of registration. Monthly tuition payments will be taken the 1st of each month beginning May 1st, 2025.

For any reason tuition payments are not received, a late fee of $25 will be added on the 7th of each month. Late fees will not be taken off of accounts and are non-refundable.

There are specific risks of physical or property damages, losses, or injury that may result from your child's participation with Badlands Baseball. You voluntarily assume the risks associated with such participation and agree not to hold Badlands Baseball responsible for any damages or injuries to your child or property. Our policies need to be read and agreed to prior to participation. Payment must be up to date before attending scheduled practices/tournaments.

This item is a 9-month contract agreement with no refunds. Early contract terminations/cancellations initiated by the registered party/parties will be a breach of contract and remaining fees/balances will be paid in full.

Upon completion of your registration, you are acknowledging that you have read and understand Badlands Baseballs Policies & Procedures

Player Expectations

  • It is the players responsibility to show up to all sporting events in full and complete uniform attire.
  • If an athlete reports to a sporting event with the incorrect uniform attire, they will not play.
  • Athletes are expected to be respectful to coaching staff during practices and all sporting events.
  • Athletes may report the games in black or navy athletic shorts and athletic shoes (No Sandals, No Crocs, No Sweatpants, No swim trunks).
  • Athletes are required to remove all visible piercings upon reporting to all practices and sporting events.
  • Athletes are required to be clean shaved or well-groomed upon reporting to all practices and sporting events.
  • Athletes are responsible for packing their own snacks and water(s) before every practice and sporting event.
  • Athletes are to report 1-hour before scheduled game times (unless instructed otherwise).
  • If an athlete is running late, HE is required to contact the proper coaching staff regarding his situation. If the athlete is a repeat offender, he will not start that game and will substitute in at a later inning.
  • If athlete reports late to any sporting event without notification, he will not start that game and will substitute in at a later inning.
  • We will be participating in several events with college coaches in attendance, and all athletes are expected to conduct themselves in a proper manner on and off the field.
  • No use of cell phones during practices or scheduled sporting events. Cell phones may be used during breaks.
  • No Airbuds, Beats or any type of musical headphones in the dugout.
  • "Game Chatter" is a part of the game, but athletes are expected to be professional and mindful.
  • Lastly, playing time is earned. If an athlete has an issue with their playing time, HE is required to address his concerns with his coach (not mom or dad).

Parent Expectations

  • Parents and families are expected to stay out / away from the dugouts during all practices and sporting events.
  • Parents and families are expected to stay off baseball fields, unless instructed by coaching staff.
  • Parents and families are encouraged to cheer from the stands, but at no point will hackling, swearing or inappropriate commits will be tolerated.
  • Parents and families are held to a higher standard. There Will be a time where we cross paths with an opposing team with rowdy parents. Please remain professional and refrain yourselves from lowering your standards.
  • Please leave the umpires alone, we all know they are terrible. When necessary, coaches are expected to defend our athletes against horrible officiating (AKA: let the coaches get thrown out of the game, not you).
  • Parents and families are expected to leave college coaches and scouts alone! We will be seeing a lot of them, and if they want to talk to you, they will make it known.
  • Enjoy the game! Please do not coach from the stands.
  • If a parent needs to speak with a coach, please call or text him after practice/game.
  • Lastly, we are implementing these policies in an attempt to prepare our athletes for college. We've had the honor in assisting over 250 of our athletes to the college level, and we have established a reputation of producing responsible, respectable and right-minded athletes.
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